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Call for Submissions to the Special Issue of the Journal of Digital Life

The development of ICT and AI has made it possible to conduct significant research on the measurement, control, and analysis of various types of movements, including those of humans and machines. These include a wide range of fields such as construction, agriculture, manufacturing, medicine, and sports, where ICT and AI are applied to research methods for measuring motion, operating, controlling, and automating motion, and analyzing motion to formalize experience. This special issue welcomes a wide range of research on measurement, control, and analysis focused on motion in various fields, and aims to provides opportunities for innovation through the exchange of different industries and cultures.

Measurement, control, and analysis of motion using ICT and AI

Research areas expected to be covered
Sports Science, Social Science, Life Science, Information Engineering
We welcome your submissions. Please note that this special issue, as with our regular submissions, is peer-reviewed.

Submission Guidelines
Please refer to the following URL for submission guidelines before submitting your paper to the special issue. The format of the paper can also be downloaded from this page.

Peer-reviewing Process
The review process is the same as for regular paper submissions.

Submission Deadline
October 31, 2024

Publication Fee (excluding tax)

 ArticleTechnical ArticleReview Article
Editorial Board Member or Alliance Partner135,000yen16,000yen/page135,000yen
※As a rule, manuscripts should not exceed 10 pages. Additional publication fee may be charged for excess pages of published papers. For more information, please refer to the submission rules.

Publishing Schedule for the Special Issue
In March 2025 (The special issue will be published only on the Digital Life website.)

The Editorial Board Member for the Special Issue
Editor in-Chief: Ryuichi Imai (Hosei University)

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