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Tags = basketball

  • Review Article Others

    A statistical examination into the structure of plays and its relationship to wins/losses in basketball games played by excellent players from the standpoint of STATS

    Ken Nagamine
    Osamu Aoyagi

    We reviewed and summarized the findings from some kinds of perspectives. This allowed us to realize that no consistent findings can be obtained in terms of what plays/factors contribute most to wins/losses and the sequence of plays leading to scoring, that discriminant analysis is commonly used in the studies, and that for structural analysis, no rotational technique was used. Based on these findings, we devised the following new proposals: 1) Researchers need to exert more effort to analyze various kinds of games in the future, 2) We can recommend logistic regression analysis, but not only discrimination analysis. 3) For structural analysis, to make the research findings useful, the rotation of axes or principal components should be actively utilized.

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  • Article Others

    The relationship among skills/factors and their structure and wins/losses in games in basketball classes

    Ken Nagamine
    Osamu Aoyagi
    Akihito Yaita
    Ikuo Komure
    Tsuyoshi Kawazura
    Shinya Tagata
    Tomohiro Annoura
    Yasufumi Ohyama

    This study aimed to extract the structure of plays/fouls of basketball games in university PE classes using MDS and to investigate the relationship between wins/losses and their structure using logistic regression analysis in the games. Targeted games were 20 games performed in university PE classes at F-university and the plays/factors observed were assessed by a 5-point scale. The items observed were 52 items chosen from “Passing,” “Dribbling,” “Shooting,” “Rebounding,” “Fast break,” “Cooperative plays,” “Violations,” and “Fouls.” After the principal component analysis was applied to the whole data, the items that did not show significant loadings were removed from the analysis, and a correlation matrix among only the items that had significant principle loadings was computed. Another principal component analysis was performed and the principal component scores for each skill/factor were computed. Nonmetric MDS was applied to the correlation matrix, a two-dimensional space was extracted, and the rotation of axes by Varimax criterion and clustering by hierarchical cluster analysis were applied to the two-dimensional space. Finally, logistic regression analysis to predict wins/losses was carried out using skills/factors including gender and evaluators to remove their influence as independent variables. As a result, the following results were obtained: 1) The two-dimensional space obtained was interpreted as “Individual skills and skills leading to fouls/violations” and “Individual – group skills.” Again, the four clusters obtained were also named “Ball-advancing individual skills,” “Under-basket individual skills,” “Cooperative skills,” and “Against-rule and unskilled plays.” 2) Although the likelihood ratio test of logistic regression analysis with all independent variables was not significant, the test of the model after the independent-variable selection was significant, in which “Shooting,” “Cooperative plays,” “Fouls,” and “Gender” were included. In the univariate analysis using correlation ratios, “Dribbling,” “Shooting,” and “Cooperative plays” were significant, but “Fouls” were not. It is thought that “Dribbling” lost its significant relationship with wins/losses when removing the influence of “Cooperative plays,” and insignificant “Fouls” in the univariate analysis showed an important impact on wins/losses because the fouls provided the change of offense and the risk of a losing score increased.

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  • Article Psychology

    Impact on evaluation of Viewpoints to assess the positioning on half-court defense in the basketball

    Tsuyoshi Kawazura
    Akihito Yaita
    Ken Nagamine
    Shinya Tagata
    Goichi Hagiwara

    While there are some desirable and some not-so-desirable half-court positions in basketball, the "desirable positioning" may not always be clearly determined due to the values of the coach or manager. The most important factor in this is the "point of view". Therefore, the purpose of this study is to examine the perspectives that influence the evaluation of positioning in half-court defense for university teams be-longing to the first and second divisions of the Basketball Federation. A total of 192 players (110 male players and 82 female players) from university teams in the first and second divisions of the K-Student Basketball Federation were included in the study. As a result, the perspectives of the reasons for the decisions obtained in the descriptive form have been classified into the following categories: "Weak-side defensive position," "Strong-side defensive position," "Ball man defensive position," "General defensive position," "Defensive position related to play selection," "Defensive position related to coordination," and "Defensive position related to situational judgment. "The defensive positions were classified into seven categories: defensive positions related to situational viewpoints.

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