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The Conference of Digital Life vol.2
Aims of the Conference
The Journal of Digital Life will host the conference as a matching opportunity for researchers and industries. We aim to contribute to the development of the global digital industries through product out based on robust scientific evidence, as the further development of the digital society is drastically changing the lifestyle of people.
Date & Time
16 September 2024 ※Starting at 10:00 (doors open at 9:50)
  • Participants
    Academia, startups, corporates, government organization, school institutions and students, and so on.
  • Program
    10:00 Opening Remarks
    Greetings from the Organizer
    Kenji Nakamura(The Conference of Digital Life vol.2 executive committee chairperson)
    Tatsushi Doi(President and Representative Director, Sankei Digital Inc.)

    Greeting of Guest of Honor
    Shunichiro Yamamoto(President, Osaka University of Economics)
    10:15 Keynote Speech
    Title: Status of DX Promotion in Japan and Support Measures for Achieving DX
    Speaker: Yuki Takemura
    (Chief, Next-Generation Industry and Information Policy Division, Economic Policy Department, Kansai Bureau, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry)
    10:45 Digital Life Award
    11:30 Short Pitch Competition「Digital INSPIRE」
    View presentation titles and authors: Details
    12:30 Proceedings Presentation
    View presentation titles and authors: Details
    15:00 Poster Presentations
    View presentation titles and authors: Details
    16:15 Alliance Program Supporting Member’s Presentations
    16:40 Digital INSPIRE and Paper Presentations Awards
    17:10 Closing Remarks
    Koshiro Yashina (Chief of the secretariat, Journal of Digital Life)
    17:30 Social gathering(Applicants only)
  • Participation fee (including tax)
  • Proceeding
    Audience only Social
    Students (currently enrolled in college, technical college, vocational school, or high school) Free Free Free 5,000 yen
    Researchers and faculty affiliated with universities, technical colleges, vocational schools, etc. Editorial Board Member/Alliance Partner 11,000 yen 5,500 yen
    Non-Member(*1) 22,000 yen 11,000 yen
    Those who belong to a corporate company or a sole proprietorship. Supporting Member 55,000 yen 11,000 yen(*2)
    Non-Member 110,000 yen 22,000 yen
    *1: If you are a researcher and would like to join Alliance Partner, please contact our office.
    *2: Supporting Member receives one free guest for each unit of annual membership.
  • Registration for Proceedings Presentation

    Deadline for Presentation Registration: Friday, July 19, 2024, at noon

    Deadline for Presentation Registration: Friday, August 2, 2024, at noon

    Any theme related to the Digital Life coverage area, such as Life Science, Social Science, Engineering, Frontier Science, is acceptable for submission. In addition, we welcome submissions that relate to the special issue theme, “Measurement, control, and analysis of motion using ICT and AI” to be published in March 2025.

    All presenters, regardless of type of conference presentation (oral or poster), are required to submit their proceedings. The proceedings should not exceed two pages in English. In addition to the title, name, and affiliation, the proceedings should include “Introduction,” “Methods,” “Results,” “Discussion,” “Conclusion,” and “References”. Figures and tables can be included; please submit in Word format.
    Click here for a template.

    When submitting your proceedings, please send it by e-mail to the address below.
    We are not able to replace the proceedings after submission.
    Please note that revisions may be requested after technical and editorial board checks.
    Deadline for Submission of Proceedings: Friday, August 2, 2024, at noon

    Proceedings Presentation:
    The conference includes oral and poster presentations. Either oral or poster presentations, or both, are accepted. Please prepare your PowerPoint slides and Posters before the day of the conference. You do not need to submit them in advance. Both oral and poster presentation can be given in Japanese. Awards will be given for outstanding presentations.

    ・Oral Presentation
    Please prepare your PowerPoint slides and bring your own PC for your presentation.
    Presentation time is 10 minutes, with 3 minutes for questions and answers.

    ・Poster Presentation
    Any format is acceptable. Please use the display board at the conference room.
    Presentation time is during poster presentation time(details to be determined).
  • Registration for Digital INSPIRE

    Deadline for Registration of Digital INSPIRE: Friday, July 19, 2024, at noon

    Deadline for Registration of Digital INSPIRE: Friday, August 2, 2024, at noon

    What is “Digital INSPIRE”?
    Digital INSPIRE is an opportunity to tell the audience and online participants what you want to do and what support you are seeking in a short 5-minute presentation. Digital INSPIRE aims to create opportunities for innovation, leading to new research collaborations and business creation.

    Benefits of participating in Digital INSPIRE presentations:
    1. The Sankei Digital Award will be given to the most outstanding presentation.
    2. The most outstanding presentations that receive the Sankei Digital Award will be considered for acceleration support from Sankei Digital, Inc.
    3. The winners of the Sankei Digital Award will be covered by media owned by Sankei Digital.
    4. Presentation themes of Digital INSPIRE presentation participants will be posted on the Digital Life website. Companies and researchers interested in the presentation themes can contact the presenters through the Digital Life Office.
    5. Presentations will be recorded on video and will be available to all conference participants for a limited period of one month.

    Digital INSPIRE Presentation:
    Digital INSPIRE presentation is an oral presentation. Please prepare your presentation slides in PowerPoint and bring your own PC for your presentation. You do not need to submit them in advance. Presentation time is 5 minutes. Digital Inspire presentation can be given in Japanese.

    Presentations at Digital INSPIRE are judged on the following criteria:
    1. Clarity of the issue and its social significance
    2. Novelty of the idea and its unique advantages over other companies
    3. Feasibility as a business
    4. Ability to communicate, quality of presentation
  • Registration for Audience Participation

    Deadline for Audience Participation Registration: Friday, July 19, 2024, at noon

    Deadline for Audience Participation Registration: Friday, August 2, 2024, at noon

Handling of Photography, Video, and Recording at the Conference
We may take photographs and videos at conferences and other events held by our company. These may be posted on our website, various social media, and in our media. Please note that presenters and award winners are especially likely to be posted on our website.

・Important Note to Presenters
Please note that your presentations and Digital INSPIRE presentations should not infringe on the copyrights of any third party. Also, please note that your presentation will be recorded.

・Important Note to Participants
Conference participants are kindly requested not to record or photograph other people’s presentations, materials, persons, or images.
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